life is not black and white. but life is colorfull..
I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it.

6 November 2009

Timelines: women's fashion illustrated by Irina V. Ivanova


Roaring Twenties
STYLE : formation of Art Deco style.
INFLUENCES AND INSPIRATION: cinematograph, social revolution, new technology, sport , Russian constructivists: Varvara Stepanova, Lubov Popova
FASHION DESIGNERS: Coco Channel , Madeleine Vionnet; Erte , Sonia Delauney, Lanvin, Jean Patau, Edward Molynex
ART: Non Figurative abstraction , Cubism, Futurism, Bauhaus, Constructivism 

  • Spreading of “ready to wear” concept ( prêt o porter in French interpretation) to Europe (Marx & Spenser )
  • Origination of alternative style. Beat generation . emerging of Teenage styles and fashion

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